Perfect Surgeon wiki - Manhwa

 Perfect Surgeon wiki - Manhwa

Rating 8.2
Chapters 22
Author -
Status Ongoing
Other Names Perfect Doctor


Main Character is a normal medical student has a dream to become a ‘Perfect Doctor’ that would never deny or mistreat a patient, because his father died due to medical Negligence.

However, reality was harsh.

His mother was inflicted with an incurable disease, which required a lot of money. He quit his university hospital internship and became a sell-out dermatologist.

While he had stopped in his tracks due to the harshness of reality, a state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence, ‘A.I. – Ronnie’, came to him

And thus, his journey to become a perfect doctor started once again.

Conclusion :

As i  also a Medical K-drama fan, I think this is a good. Medical terms are being explained very well, Look interesting. so, looking forward to it.

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